Thursday, May 20, 2010

IT-NORSU Batch of 2011

Lorelei and Glenn
Showing their best during our Christmas Party '09

Its been already 3 years of exploring the institution of Negros Oriental State University gripping on Information Technology. This next school year will be the last year for us to mingle. Lets just try to reminisce the moments we had shared for almost 3 year. We had already shared our feelings through such events like our excursion in Cebu City, our annual Christmas Party and IPR. Hope you like it guys!

Sexy hot grooves!
Glenn and Sheharra

The Batch of full of happiness!

Vaneza, Sir Roche Cabanlit and Hector.

The pretty faces of IT in NORSU.

The Wonder girls in NORSU.

This was taken at the Mural Wall in NORSU.

The girls that you can't resist!

The party all night in Cebu City. (This is just few of the many photos taken in Cebu.)

I hope you always cherish all the memories that you shared from your closest friends but still we are one happy big group in NORSU... Love it always!


The official blogsite for IT students in NORSU.

This is the Official blogsite for the students in Information Technology at Negros Oriental State University. I made this for the communication and collaboration purposes. This may help in discussing future issues and events in our society. This coming June will be another chapter of being a student and a member of Information Technology Society. I hope in this blog, we will have an exciting friendship building and stronger relationship to undertake. Thank you so much and hope to see you in Negros Oriental State University - CSIT Department.